Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Photo's I promised--we are at Beaufort NC getting the boat service done.

This is the Barefoot Landing Bridge at North Myrtle Beach.  It reminds me of the type of bridges @ my boyhood home on Grosse Ile, MI

For son-in-law Jeff

Building the bridge.  One by one, the low bridges along the ICW are being replaced by high ones, typically 65 foot clearance at mean high water.  This may be the one that will replace the pontoon bridge up the stream that must open to let any boat traffic thru, no matter how small the boat.  Note the temporary supports on the left.  They will be removed once the bridge structure is complete.  This is on the way from North Myrtle Beach to Southport, NC

Political statement

Sunset @ Southport, NC

This is bouy 22 marking the ICW in the Cape Fear River.  This tidal current is flowing swiftly, making it look like the bouy is traveling.  We are swimming against the tidal current so our speed over the bottom is cut by a like amount.  Note the orange square under the number.  This is the indication that the bouy is a marker for the ICW

Big tug encountered along the way

Another Osprey nest

Harbor at Surf City, NC.  The "Salt Shaker," the "Here and Now" and a mini sized cruise boat.  If you enlarge this pic, you may be able to see the well stocked but tiny bar for the passengers just behind the wheel in the wheel house.

Steve and Carolyn with Pat behind Daddy Mac's resturant with the Atlantic in the background.

The "Here and Now" departing for their next destination.  We are about to depart for Swansboro, NC where we will be met by Amanda's (Pat's daughter) in-laws, Charles and Joy Mckee. 

Another "high rise" bridge on the way to Swansboro.  Note the tow boat parked with a large oil barge right in the "travel" opening for the bridge.  He was the subject of a lot of radio traffic on channel 16 but we never did learn why he chose that particular place to use as an anchorage.  All the boats had to squeeze thru in what space remained to his right.

These are some of our marines preparing their boats for the "live fire" practice they have planned.  On the bank of the river besides military supply vehicles, were a couple of large "Enterprise" rental trucks.  The military outsources stuff too.  We did not know what they were up to until we traveled a bit further.

This is the sign that clued us in.  We dropped the hook and waited.  The boats in the above picture passed us and the marines went to their practice area.  They fired a variety of machine guns and gatlin guns for about an hour.  Then we were permitted to continue our journey.

This was a target that was visible from the water.  It looks like it has been worked over pretty good.

View of the harbor at Town Creek Marina at Beaufort NC from the Salt Shaker, where we are now.

1 comment:

  1. Tony,

    It was great to meet you and Pat at Delaware City on "our" dock. I will check in to see how you fare in the weeks ahead.

    Rick Pennell
    Easily Stranded
