Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Troy Docks @ Troy NY day 83 to 86 June 26-28, 2010

Troy Docks @ Troy NY is the last stop before you need to decide to continue via Lake Champlain or go via the Erie Canal.  Troy, NY makes it very nice for transient boaters.  They let you dock at their facility for free!  And free includes electricity and city water.  This was the best bargain anywhere.  And the dock master was genial and on top of things.

There are many bridges that cross the Hudson.  This one is just north of Newburgh, called the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge.

This pair of bridges is referred to as the Poughkeepsie bridges (plural)

Pretty view of the first of the two Poughkeepsie bridges.

The bases of the second of the two Poughkeepsie bridges.  Maybe some stimulus money here?

Flat water, with a lighthouse in the background.

Another lighthouse.

And another.

This looks like a bridge section that got lost.  It is actually a section that has just been assembled and is on shoring, waiting to be transferred to a barge for transport to its final destination.  The facility is larger than what the picture shows.  They have lots of fabrication activity going on besides this project.

On up the Hudson, there were residential properties such as this one.

This is the state capitol at Albany.  Old English architecture.  Very pretty.

Warship moored at the Albany shoreline.  I have to think she is retired and on museum status.

This tickled our funnybone.  If you do not have a launch vehicle, you can always rent one!

View of the Salt Shaker moored at the Troy Docks.  Note the ham radio antenna at the front of the bow rail.  This antenna and the ham equipment aboard is capable of world wide ham radio communication.  I have had a ham license since 1953.

Here is the happy result of a real shot in the dark.  Pat telephoned her cousin, Kim who lives very near Troy just on the off chance we could hook up.  Turned out Kim was having a cousin convention and we did all get together at Kim's house.  Everyone participated in bringing us back to the boat.  We have Kim's husband, Charlie, Charlies son, Andrew, Pat, cousin Janet cousin Diane, and cousin Kim.  The only cousin who was unable to attend was Joan.  That would have made it a perfect 100%.

Andrew was very interested in the ham radio I have aboard.  I showed him as much as I could in the short time we had.  There was an amateur contest going on at the time.  We make a contest contact with K9ZA in Illinois in Morse code.

The "Just Rosie" (Don and Rosie) and "Heavenly Ours" (Mark and Sylvia at Troy docks ready to leave.  We have just motored away from the dock.

Decision time!

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