Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grosse Ile Yacht Club and travel to Port Huron YC Aug 15 to Aug 23, 2012

After a nice crossing of the western basin of Lake Erie we arrived at GIYC once again.  Our Stay at GIYC was 8 days on this visit.  During that time Pat took the big bird back to Florida to catch up with her dad and get reacquainted with the FL house.  Her dad had just celebrated his 102nd birthday.  What an accomplishment.

In the meantime I was on my own, fixing lunch aboard the Salt Shaker and having dinners and brews prepared by the wonderful crew at the yacht club.  The view of the lower end of the Detroit River from the well located bar is spectacular.  It is one that could keep your sense of wonder occupied for hours.  Sugar Island, the lower end of Bob Lo Island and the Detroit River Light are all visible.  And the boat traffic is continuous and interesting.

A few photos-----

The sign at the road entrance

A look down one of the fairways

This is the house where my family and I lived in Allen Park, MI from roughly 1947 to 1957 when we moved to Grosse Ile.  I would not have recognized this house, it has been extensively modified, expanded and remodeled.  But I am sure it is the one.  Some familiar items are still visible.

Tim is standing in front of what was our dad's office.  The office and factory have been extensively vandalized and it has no future other than to be torn down by someone at sometime in the future.  I am sure there is not one piece of copper wiring or fixture left in the entire complex. 

Here is a lady entrapreneur with a sense of humor.  It is a real business and she does jobs (landscaping, that is) all over the island of Grosse Ile.

The birthday cake prepared especially for my by Tim's talanted wife, Kathy.  It was a great way to celebrate a birthday.

Brother Tim, relaxing on the back deck of the Salt Shaker

Tim and Kathy dressed up for the Yacht Club celebration of Pirates Day.  It should be mentioned that Kathy made their costumes from scratch.  No store bought stuff for them!

A few of the pirates beginning to celebrate and party

Now this was good.  There was a contest to see who the membership most wanted to "walk the plank."  Votes were in dollars donated in honor of their favorite plank walker.  Naturally Kathy, a master swimmer" won the contest.  The photo is a bit dark but there she in the canal after her "sentence" was carried out.

Once again on our way, Tim is aboard with us, we will drop him off at his other boating spot, the Jefferson Beach Marina.  From there we continue on up to the Port Huron Yacht Club located on the Black River which connects with the North end of the St. Clair River.  The little island on the left is Powderhouse Island which got its name from the days when the Livingston Channel was built (completed in 1912.)  All of the dynamite for the project is said to have been stored on this little island.

Tim and I keeping track of things on our way up to JPM.  The shore you see is the berm of east berm of the Livingston Channel, which we are using.

Tim is at JPM and we are now near the Black River.  Another example of the horsepower attached to these ICE boats.

We are now at the Port Huron Yacht Club.  The railroad bridge allows railroad traffic to cross the Black River near its junction with the St. Clair River.  We were treated royally by the folks at the PHYC.  To them, a hearty thank you.  We will be off in the morning, heading for Presque Isle, MI.

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