Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 14 St. Augustine, FL

My bride and me after an evening at Stavro's at Daytona Beach with friend Tom Morrison.  Best pizza and Greek salad in memory

And with our friend Tom

One for a certain son-in-law taken at Daytona Beach

And for Amanda and Chuck

A small but capable sail boat run by a couple of folks from British Columbia.  Note the Canadian flag on the back and the US "courtesy" flag on the starboard side just below the spreader.  When we get into Canada, our flag arrangement will be just the opposite.

The "admiral" at the helm.  Note the Porta-Bote lashed to the port side which made a convenient place to put a fender.  We have seen several Porta-Botes in use along our path.

The "Nina" moving over to the fuel dock at Titusville.  Shape, hull, rigging and sail materials are exact as was possible to determine from what was known about Columbus's ships.  A great sailing adventure for the year 1492.

We are slowly making our way toward North Myrtle Beach for the Rendezvous next week. We have about 425 miles to put under our so called "keel" over the next few days.

Since our last post, we were able to leave Vero Beach with light but increasing east winds and travel to Titusville where we spent three nights enjoying what is there plus having the Nina and the Pinta arrive and dock within feet of our boat.

We left Titusville and went on up to Daytona Beach and the next day, went from there to where we are now which is in the very layed back city of St. Augustine. Excellent place to spend some time.

We had an excellent dinner at the Habana Village Cafe, authentic Cuban fare and music and atmosphere. We had Chipolte Chicken and Tilapia, cooked per the Cuban recipes and they were outstanding, served by Juan "Jesus" Salazar.

We are now in the position to give advice for the trip. Take two boat poles, we did. You will never have enough Velcro straps. You will never have enough paper clamps or spring type cloths pins. You will never have enough #33 rubber bands. You will never have enough Shamwows. These are truly miracle wipe up machines. And take a complete set of office supplies, you will use them all.

Tony n Pat

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