Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bobcaygeon Monday July 19 to Fenelon Falls July 20

Fenelon Falls is so far one of the prettiest areas we have visited.  We tied up at the lock wall, Lock number 34 (second of the two we transited on this leg.)  The falls are beautiful, there is an electric generating station there and we were able to share this location with our friends Ron and Sally aboard their "Summer Star."

Our barometer which reads typically 30.00 inches at sea level reads 29.280 here in the "falls"  which, if you go by the standard 1 inch loss of barometric pressure per 1000 foot rise, means we are at approximately 720 feet above sea level at this point.  We have been lifted all that way by all the locks we have been working our way thru.

For such a small town, so far away from any large metropolitan area, it boasted a grocery store comparable to a good Kroger or a Publix.  This for a moment undid some of the time warp we are in the midst of.

Here is a redo of an information website for the Trent-Severn:

And for lots of information about Fenelon Falls, look at:,_Ontario

A few photos:

Kids at play in the waterway.

I wonder what an artist would create from a scene like this.

Our approach to the "falls."  The powerhouse is in view but the lock is not.

We are in the lock, being lifted up by the inflow of water from the upstream end.  The Summer Star is behind us in the lock.  Notice that the doors have a sill underneath them.  The sill is at the bottom of the upper level channel.  Once we are lifted all the way and the doors open we will motor off in this new channel.

The lock master said we have the perfect place for you to park your boat.  Here it is.  When we get docked, the back of our boat will be at the stairs and the bow of the boat will be in the bush at the right.  Since this is concrete, it has no give like wood pilings have so having your fenders in place is of prime importance to prevent damage to the side of the boat at the end of our approach.

As we approach, it does not look too big or too forgiving.

Made it!

The Summer Star at her wall on the other side of the canal.

One of the fun parts of this waterway is the number of unique boats you run across.  This is a really pretty one as she was leaving.

As noted previously,  the entire Trent-Severn waterway system is owned by Parks Canada and the whole thing is operated as a park.  At each lock are camping areas, picnic areas, areas to fish and places to launch kayaks and other such craft.  The entire areas are accessible to the public, including the locks.  We have had many people looking over many a lock wall watching us lock thru.  As we rise to a point where they can chat, many of them are eager to do so.  The entire system is meticulously maintained.  There were maybe, 5 groups of campers the night we were there.

A pretty view of a group of cabins for rent.

A typical small business/residence.

And a nice residence with out a business.

A bit of the business district along the wall.

A design feature of almost all locks.  Notice that the gates when closed, they are not flat with each other but point a bit inward to the water.  This helps hold them closed and secure against what must be tremendous water pressure when the chamber is full.  Just look at this one and imagine the pressure.

Our friends Sally and Ron with Frank.

Me and Pat.  Notice the building at the left, high up.  This is a great restaurant for viewing the falls.   Especially if you get a table on the front porch you see there.  Oddly enough, the name of it is the "Falls View Restaurant."  We went up there and had a couple of brewskies and a great pizza.  The view and sounds of the falls from there was captivating and we lingered longer than usual.

The view.  The sounds would add a lot if I could include them.

A bit of info found in the restaurant.

Ron and Sally, departing Fenelon Falls,  We were right behind them.  We were not eager to leave this beautiful place.


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