Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 16 Jekyll Island

This one is for Rachel n Jeff  (Maui's future home?)

Captain's quarters

                                                     The Captain's "shed"

The admiral's galley

The path to Jekyll Island leads out into the Atlantic between North Cumberland Island and Jekyll.  It is to get around a shoal.  We were in 7 footers at the turn.  Head sea going out, and a quartering following sea coming back in.  Picture does not describe but it might suggest the sea.  Needless to say, we got wet.

Fleet of sea gulls following us in from the Atlantic, before they determined we were not a returning  fishing boat and took their leave.  They make lots of noise.


  1. Love the pictures of the inside of the boat :) Thanks for posting those! And the pics of you and Tony cute! Miss you all and so glad you are enjoying yourselves!

  2. You and "the Admiral" seem to be having a wonderful time.
    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and photos!
