Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

View into the St. Lucie Lock as we were exiting.  Note the water mark about 3/4 of the way up.  That is were we were before they let the water out.

Note the Pelican standing on exposed sand.  This is just off to the side of where we are going down the Intracoastal.  Don't take the boat to where birds are standing.

Here is a boat whose captain did not understand the "bird rule."

A mother manatee and her calf in our marina, attracted by the fresh water coming out of a neighbor's boat.

This one is for Papa Joe.  This boat is named after Pat's mother.

Our area is under the influence of a really high pressure system.  The barometer is currently reading 30.15 inches.  Strong winds out of the east.  The sail boat docked near us and it was heart stopping.  The guy was good and the dock master was just as good.  The large cruiser came in for fuel.  He had less problems.  The boat was equipped with side thrusters and was operated with a computer controlled joy stick.  And the wind direction was such that the boat came to the fuel dock mostly by herself.


One of the items I neglected to mention was the wonderful dinner we had in Vero Beach at the Riverside Cafe, within walking distance of the marina.  If anyone happens to go to Vero Beach, do not miss this.  We had left overs from there for the following night.  Just as good reheated aboard the Salt Shaker

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Great commentary. I am enjoying vicariously. Auntie R.
