Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 62 continued--Annapolis

The trip up the upper Chesapeake from St. Michaels was a treat!  Pretty smooth seas so we were able to stay on plane and boogie.  As we neared Annapolis we passed a parade of these things at anchor.  5 of them in all, all empty.  Must have been waiting for a berth so they could in turn take on their cargo.

Annapolis is a sailing/party town.  Here are a few boats participating in a race that we passed on the way in.

A family of boaters who have the Chesapeake for their playground.  Ashley, John, Austin, Christine and of course me.  They are friends we made on the Rinker boat owners website who live in the Annapolis area and took the time to come and visit us.  They were able to give lots of heads up on Annapolis as well as Baltimore.  After a bit of wine and cheese (what else?) on the boat the we went to the local Marriot and had a wonderful time at Pusser's Restaurant.

We toured the grounds of the Annapolis Naval Academy.  This is the Chapel that houses the remains of Captain John Paul Jones.  On the weekends it is home to weddings of navy cadets, one an hour, on the hour.  We were able to see at least two from the grounds.  With military precision.  One bride appeared on the steps every hour, exactly on the half hour.

This is the famous flag that Commodore Perry flew from the Niagara after he had to abandon the Lawrence during the battle of Lake Erie.  "We have met the enemy and they are ours." was his well known statement after the battle.  The gift shop had many flags to choose from for purchase, including "Don't Give Up the Ship."  Naturally the Salt Shaker now has one of these in her flag inventory.

One of John and Christine's recommendations was Chick and Ruth's Deli.  This was all they said it would be.  Fast, good, friendly and a time to remember.  They said if Chick was in the deli, which he usually was, we would recognize him.  There he is!  Unfortunately Ruth passed away some years ago.

The large vessel is the "Winning Drive." built by Westport Yachts in 2007.  We were told that she is currently owned by the head coach of the Ravens, hence the name.  She is 130 feet long and 26 feet wide.  I don't think she would fit in the lift where the Salt Shaker lives when at home.

View of the Annapolis harbor.  There is a huge mooring field which is popular.  We are near the small cut that goes up to the main waterfront street called "Ego Alley" or something similar.  There is an almost continuous flow of boats in and then back out of the cut making a sort of parade.  It reminded me of the days as a youth when we would cruise our cars round and round in the more popular drive in resturants.  The city dock is part of Ego Alley.

A boat we ran across on Ego Alley.

Now---on to Baltimore!

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