Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

From Delaware City to Cape May, NJ

New Jersey makes the 7th state the Salt Shaker has visited away from her home state of Florida.

The trip from Delaware City took us down the Delaware River (huge) into and all the way down the Delaware Bay.  At the bottom of the bay we entered the Cape May Canal for a few mile ride into the Cape May harbor.

The bay got a bit rougher as the bay got wider.  We did not have to get off plane but it was this ride that apparently dislodged the plug to the microwave out of its wall outlet.  Anyway the microwave is not working.  Getting to that plug involves a bunch of screws and some disassembly of part of the port (left) side of the cabin.  I gotta be in the mood to tackle this.  Not in the mood yet.

Light house marking the end of a big shoal on the east side of the bay.  It was kinda hazy this day.

Entering the Cape May Canal.

View of Utsch's marina office.  As many marinas do, Utsch's had a visitors package to give out to their guests.  This one had the typical stuff, but in addition was a 3/4 liter bottle of local blueberry wine.  Treat!

And we were greeted by Rich Nick, the Cape May AGLCA harbor host.  The harbor host program is really super.  They are all volunteers and almost every port has one or more of these volunteers.  Among other things, their mission is to be accessible and share local area knowledge and give advice and/or direct assistance that would help in a variety of possible situations.  It is Pat's intention to put us on the harbor host list for our area when we return to FL.

For a wonderful way to end the evening, Wayne and Francine from Ottawa River, Quebec invited us to join them for an already "in progress" wine and cheese party aboard their vessel, "My Way."  If you want to party, partying with our neighbors of the north is hard to beat.

Tomorrow, on to the "big apple."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pat and Tony! Nice to hear from you again. By now you are past the Statue of Liberty and moving towards Long Island. Hope you got the Microwave fixed. Tough living without it! All's well down here, quite warm, close to or at 90 degrees, but no rain here for weeks! All around us, but not here. We're both fine, enjoying the pool and the A/C. Not much wind! Fair seas to ye! Vic
