Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 78 to day 80 Greenport to Clinton CT to Haverstraw marina on the Hudson

This is the face dock at the Cedar Island Marina at Clinton, CT.  We are slowly headed for the far end where we will spend the night after being able to visit with our friends, John and Mert,  who winter in our FL neighborhood.  You get to the marina via a narrow but well marked channel and then up a small river.  The channel in the river is also well marked.  These waterways are well marked because you can not deviate out of them as you would be sure to run aground.

John, Mert and Pat in front of Lenny and Joe's Fish Tale Restaurant.  A very good place for seafood and a cold brew.  After touring their local area, they took us to their home where we enjoyed the sea shore looking across the sound and later went to the "Dock and Dine," an upscale eatery for dinner.  We had an excellent dinner and a wonderful time there.

This was a home owned by Katherine Hepburn in her later years.

The "castle like" structure was one of the early houses in John and Mert's neighborhood.  It has an interesting history.  It was a resturant at some point in its history but it is now once again, a residence.

Pat at the helm as we go zipping down the LI Sound back toward the East River.  Our intention was to take the East River down to the Harlem River and cut across the Harlem River over to the Hudson on the north side of Manhattan Island and save a lot of time and miles.  Could not do.  There was some construction just after the first bridge we encountered and could not pass.  Soooo we reversed course and headed back to the East River to go around the south end.

Another shot for papa Joe.  We think this is the office where his pension checks are created.

One of the air processors for the Holland Tunnel.  There is one of these on each side of the river.

A FDNY fireboat we passed in the Hudson.

The aircraft carrier "Intrepid."  She is on museum status on the Hudson River.

The Tappan Zee bridge just south of Tarrytown, NY.  New Jersey is the shore on the left.

The Pallisades.  These are part of the New Jersey shore and they go on for miles.  Ice and running water and time can do lots of stuff.

Pat's solution to keeping the cabin door open when it is raining.

We got to Haverstraw Marina in Haverstraw NY.  This is a really big marina.  They have in excess of 1000 slips.  Our first stop was to the gas dock.  There they gave us a map of the marina and drew routes and circled key points so we could find our assigned slip.  Kind of like they sometimes do in a big motel where the clerk gives you a map of the grounds and draws the route to your room.

My flash did not go off.  It was not until the next day that I found the switch that controls that feature.

Mark, Sylvia, our across the street neighbors in Florida cruising the loop aboard the Heavenly Ours and Rosie and Don, our newest friends on the loop cruising aboard their boat "Just Rosie."  They both anchored in a local cove and dingied over to the Haverstraw Marina where we had a very fun dinner at the Hudson River Club.

You might guess that the name of their dingy is "Heavenly Minutes."

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