Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Salt Shaker is still afloat.

Besides being way behind in our posts, we are now in Canada where it is very expensive to upload big files like photos.  So we are forced to put this off until we return to the USA.

Right now we are in a pleasant little marina in the pleasant little town of Lakefield on the Trent-Severn.  We elected to stay a second day.

Ice cream seems to the the passion in Canada.  It IS very good.

Yesterday we went thru the Peterborough "lift lock."  You motor into a pan of water that weighs about 300 tons when lifted out of the water.  Once you are in and tied off and the upper pan of water is secure, the lower pan, with us inside goes up and the upper pan with whatever boats are going the opposite direction comes down.  When you have traveled the 65 feet up, matched by the other pan of water going 65 feet down, they open the exit end and you motor off and keep going on your way.  It is quite an experience.  This is the biggest lock of its type in the world.  They have a reception center at the lock where you can learn the history and the technical facts.

Tony n Pat

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