Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brewerton, NY to Oswego, NY 7/6/10 to 7/7/10

Oswego is at the end of the connector Oswego Canal which connects the Erie at about it's midpoint to Lake Ontario.  From Brewerton, it is just a few miles to the Oswego Canal and then north to the "big lake."

We depart Brewerton and pass "Just Rosie" at the fuel dock.

Boy, you CAN'T get lost, can you.

This looks like fun!

At some places the waterway receives water----

At other places it donates water.

We are at the north end of the Oswego River/canal system.  This is a sign that greats boaters who enter the system from Lake Ontario.

An interesting boat moored beside a large motel, just south of the Oswego Marina we were headed for.

Another dock, the last one in the US for some time to come.  Tomorrow we will be in Canada.

Boaters have a never ending sense of Humor!

View of part of Oswego from the harbor.

This is part of the US gov't heavy equipment.  First time we were near enough a border area to see one of these machines.  What is not evident is the amount of horsepower he is packing.  There are four ea 275 horsepower Mercury motors attached to his transom.  How fast can he go?  I bet that is classified.  We saw another such boat equipped with five ea 250 horsepower Yamahas.  A total of 1250 horse power!  This ought to intimidate even the most serious bad guy.  Now, are there any of these on the Rio Grande?

Pat always likes it when I put in a picture of a great sunset.

Here is a sailboat getting its mast reinstalled, called "stepping the mast," likely after a return from the NY canal system where the bridges are too low for a sailboat with its mast in place.

We have left the dock @ Oswego and are headed for Canada.  Pat is making things shipshape for the Lake Ontario crossing.

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