Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hastings, Ont Tuesday, 7/13/10 to Peterborough, Ont 7/14/10

Today we leave Hastings to venture on to Peterborough.  Peterborough is a college town and is home to some auto plants and other large plants.  They have an excellent marina.  This is where we were introduced to a product called Bug-Tek.  This is the most effective spider elimination stuff we have ever run across.  Unfortunately it is available only in Canada.  It is worth the trip just to get a liter of this stuff.

Information about Peterborough can be found on:,_Ontario

Sue and Joe aboard their trawler Quixote, passing Hastings as we were just getting underway.

As we noticed earlier, signs is small towns are more for information than for marketing.

Nice boathouse along the way.

This appeared to be one of the early built houses, one that has a stately "farm house" feel to it.  Most of everything else we saw  near by was probably built on parceled out pieces of the original property that belonged to this particular house.

And one nearby that was not so stately.  But it IS for sale.

There were many like this along the way.

A group of waterway buildings.

And just up a ways, what else but flamingos?

Fenders and waves!

It does not need to be elaborate to be a functioning marina.

I bet these folks have kids.  (or maybe grandkids?)

Looks sort of like an alligator.

Little Lake Marina harbor entrance at Peterborough.

From the fore deck of the Salt Shaker.  Some lucky kids going to get some kayak training.

Sailing lessons for the older kids.

This fountain is near the harbor entrance.  It is especially pretty at night when it is lit up.  We are back on the waterway.

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