Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Buckhorn, Ont, Sunday July 18, 2010 to Bobcaygeon, Ont. July 19.

From Buckhorn, we traveled to Bobcaygeon, Ontario, still on the Trent-Severn. Only one lock today, number 32 at our destination. We were accompanied by our friends Ron and Sally aboard their boat, the Summer Star.

Unfortunately as I went thru our photos, I discovered that we took none in or of the town. But I do have a funny story.

At the Center Point Marina in Bobcaygeon we were greeted by a young and full of life dock hand. He tied up our boat as if it was his very own and toured us thru the marina and showed the things they had for sale if needed such as ready to cook steaks and things to go with them.

Center Point Marina did not have a courtesy car available like so many of them do but our dock hand offered to drive us to town (me, Pat, Ron and Sally) and then pick us up at an appointed time at the provincial liquor store. The time came and the time went. And more time came and went. We waited and waited until we decided it was insanity to wait any longer.

So we began our two mile hike back to the marina. After all the walking we did in town. We had all of our purchases etc. We hoofed it along past some nice cottages and wooded areas, (thank you for the wooded areas!) and in an hour or two we were back at our boats.

We expected to find our dock hand there, properly embarrassed for forgetting to pick us up. But, no dock hand. He was nowhere to be found. As it turned out, he did not show up for his shift the next morning to boot.

I would have been worried about this young lad but it was my experience during the years I ran my small business in the US, that frequently, you would have a new hire, young and lively and seemingly very interested in their employment and the work at hand. Then one day they would leave for lunch (usually within 5 days or less of being hired) never to return. No phone contact, no mail, nothing. Since I had experienced this type of thing in my hiring days, it seems that it does not matter, the country, young people just do that sort of thing.  My apologies to him if I have any of this wrong.

For info on Bobcaygeon, you can visit:,_Ontario

What follows are photos, mostly without comment of some of the scenery we passed along the waterway.

Summer Star doing her thing.

             Relaxing with a book on a nice summer afternoon.

We are almost there.  The Summer Star at the lock wall waiting to go thru.

This is it from Bobcaygeon.  This is the marina taken from the foredeck of the Salt Shaker

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