Salt Shaker @ Marco Island Feb. 2009

Monday, October 4, 2010

Littlefield, Ont Friday July 16, 2010 to Buckhorn, Ont July 18.2010

We are still working our way thru the canal and locks westward to Port Severn, Ont.  We did locks 27 thru 31 and got go Buckhorn Marina late in the day on Friday.

Information about Buckhorn can be looked up at :,_Ontario

The national bird of the north with a boat.

And another


Or you may like this.

As we discovered earlier, this part of the country in part of the Canadian shield, which is all granite.  There are many cottages like this one on the numerous outcroppings of granite in the waterway.

And for services, you may need to walk on water to get there.

Another cottage on another rocky island.  Could this be the pastor's residence?

Now here is a cottage designed by a guy with a sense of humor!  Click the image for more detail.

This area is so beautiful!

The image is not really that good.  It is a bird on a rock that is just under the water at the side of the channel.  I know I have labored a bit much on this point.

We just could not get enough of views like this.

Electric boat.  Very understated compared to the fenders and the Canadian flag etc.

Here we are, at Buckhorn.  This is the first covered well we were ever in.  As you can surmise, I forgot to lower the radio antenna.  Lots of noise, yes.  Fortunately no damage.

The couple on the "Way of Life" next to us were great neighbors.  Lots of fun to talk with.

A parade of houseboats.  Rentals with small engines to protect the operators.  Just in case any of them happen to be inexperienced.

Buckhorn is home to a great repair and maintenance shop.  They were able to repair the middle step leading to our cabin that "big foot," me, stepped on with far too much force and broke it off a couple of days earlier at Lakefield.  But their specialty is the repair of propellers damaged by unintentional contact with the granite in the waterway.  From this location they cover such repairs for the entire waterway.  They repair thousands of props every year.  Our good friends Don and Rosie left some $$ here.  Their boat with its 5 foot draft is a prime candidate for finding this rocky bottom, and it did.  We only missed seeing them by less than a day, they left with their fixed props just before we arrived.

The prop shop currently has 11 techicians and 5 vans to cover their service area.  At this particular moment 3 of the vans were apparantly on the road.

The website for the marina is :

If you would like to see the scale of their prop repair operation click on the prop repair button.

Pat relaxing with a favorite book in one of the "park like" areas of the marina.

Even though we missed out on seeing Don and Rosie, other good friends met on the loop did arrive while we were there.  Here are Ron and Sally from their boat "Summer Star."  We were on hand to help them dock their boat.

Pat and Sally enjoying a romp in the cool waters near the Buckhorn Marina.

Me and Frankie (the dog) aboard the Summer Star.  Round in places, Ah?

Ron and Sally and us went to a great Chinese resturant at Buckhorn.  The lock on the waterway is right there.  And kids being kids were doing what is fun but quite illegal.  Swimming in the lock.  They could pull it off since it was closed for the night and the staff was not there.

The Cody Inn, Chinese Resturant.  The friendly staff at the Buckhorn Marina loaned us one of their cars so we could have an evening on the town.  This is an eatery that did not disappoint us.  It was great.

Buckhorn was named for this elegant animal.

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